Water is Life
Sales Director
Water Quality Monitoring Instruments
Continuous Water Quality Monitoring Systems
Water & Waste Water & Drinking Water
Sales & Project & Intallation & Application
B2B & B2C
Online/Inline Water Monitoring Instruments
Water Laboratory Analysis Instruments
General Laboratory Analysis Instruments
Solution Provider
My name is Ufuk
I have beeen working since 2000; mainly in Sales of Water & WasteWater analyzing Laboratory & Online Instruments; and perform Water Applications in Laboratory; and Projects of field Online Monitoring (RDT) Systems (Key Account Projects).
I took on the positions of Sales Engineer, Assistant Sales Manager, and Sales & Project Manager (Key-Account) during my Professional Working Period.
I have been a Consultant in National and International Companies for their Waster & Waste Water Inst. Sales&Projects; R&D Laboratory Systems for producing Generic Drugs from Endemic Plants; Scientific&Technological Projects; and more ...
Water Instrumentation Sales Director
Industrial and Environmental Monitoring Solutions:
-projecting, selling, installing and supporting technical service of Online Measurement Instruments for Physical and Chemical Parameters in Treatment Plants and Environment.
Professional Data Collection Systems:
-supplying Our hardware and software solutions and options for telemetry, long-term recording and reporting of all variables that can be measured and calculated from A to Z in different hardware levels according to the field structure.
I am working with National and International Companies as a Consultant of Waster & Waste Water Inst. Sales&Projects; and R&D Labarotory Systems for producing Generic Drugs from Endemic Plants & Research Projects, and more....
Project&Sales Manager
Responsible of Sales Water Testing and Monitoring Instruments’ Projects, sales team and turn-key laboratory projects. Enotek Ltd.Sti. is one of the Distributor of Benchtop Labarotary Instruments, Online Monitoring Systems.
Istanbul Office Manager
While serving as Istanbul Office Manager, I was responsible of all Istanbul Office sales, sales forecasting, and sales engineers to headquarter in Ankara for both Titas Is Guvenligi & &Titas A.S. companies. I reported to the General Manager.
Laboratuvary Instruments Department Ass. Manager
Responsible of finding new markets, selling instruments which were represented, controlling and coordinating of three main offices. Sesa Elektronik was the Distribitor of DCS,TGA,SDT Systems, FT-IR Spectrometers, Lab.&Online Instruments, X-Ray Difractometers (XRD), etc… I reported to the Department Manager and General Manager.
Responsible of sales, sales team and turn-key laboratory projects. My sales list included laboratory furniture, chemical consumables, glasswares, and all chemical lab. instruments. Labor Kimya was a member of VGKL Group. I reported to the Owner of the Company.
Project&Sales Manager
Master's Degree (MSc)
Bogazici University
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
"An Information System For Quality Monitoring And Improvement In Obstetrics - A Six Sigma Approach"
Master's Degree (MBA)
Istanbul University
Master of Business Administration - Production Management
"Quality Costs and An Application in Turkish Glass Industry"
Bachelor's Degree (BSc)
Istanbul University
Chemical Engineering
"An Investigation on Production of Sodium Tripoly Phosphate in Detergent Industry"

Driving Licence-B,CPC 2&4
Microsoft Windows-Advanced
Microsoft NAV-Intermediate
Microsoft Office-Advanced
Turkish-Mother Tongue
Laboratory Instruments
UV/UV-Vis Spectrophotometers&Water Test Kits, DCS&TGA&SDT, FT-IR Spectrometers, XRD X-Ray Difractometers, Open Channel&Closed Pipe Flowmeters, Water Samplers, Toxicity Measuring Instruments, Multimeters pH/CO/EC/ISE, Oil in Water, Heavy Metal Analyzers, Algea Chlorophyll Meters, Gamma Counters, Ultrasonic Detection Equipment, Portable&Headspace Gas Analyzers, Air Monitors, ect... and all laboratory instruments..
Online/Inline (RDT) Monitoring
Online/Inline (RDT) Analyzers and Monitors of Laboratory Instruments as COD, BOD, Color, UV256, Toxicity, Heavy Metals, Classical Analyzers (as NTU, Amonia, TOC, THM, Nitrate, F&T Chlorine, etc..), Multimeters, Gas Monitors; Planing Desining Choosing the most appropriate Systems for User on Side within the Monitoring Stations, Gateway, RTU, RF, Scada Software; Installation, Running, Calibrations...
Turn Key Projects
Multipoint Monitoring Systems Mapping; Being Solution Partner of User, Chosing the Right and Most Appropriate Instruments and Systems; Designing, Planning, Budgeting, Scheduling, Installation, Running, System Control, Performing Parameter's Tests Calibrations and Control, Corroboration with SM Laboratory Tests; Gateway PLC RTU Scada Software Designing with 3rd Party Providers, etc...
Medical Endemic Plants
Production of Powder Extracts from 18 different Endemic Medical and Aromatic Plants (EMP) and production of active Chemical Substances from these Extracts. Increase active Chemical Substances proportion by hybridization. Establishment of analysis laboratory. Extraction Processes (Soxhlet, Supercritical CO2, Concrete, Absolute, Resinoid, Microwave, Infusion, Tincture). Research for medical treatment use for Cancer...
Generic Drugs Production
A generic medicine is a biological medicine that is developed to be highly similar and clinically equivalent to an existing biological medicine, used mostly to treat Cancer, Alzheimer's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), HIV/AIDS and other serious diseases. Production Prosedures from 18 different EMPs, Drug Registration prosudures, CTD Documentation, and R&D studies in clinical laboratory and hospital, and Production Plant Design...
Science&Technological Project
Documentation and Application to TUBITAK (The Science and Technological Research Council of Turkey) and KOBI (SME, Small and Medium Enterprises), about 1507-SME R&D Startup Support Program, and 1509-International Industrial R&D Projects, for Generic Drugs Production from EMPs for Cancer Treatment and new EMPs extraction technologies and new hybridisation techniques for increase the proportion of active Chemicals .